Thursday 25 October 2012

No lessons next Tuesday, 30th October. Unit 1 test on Tuesday, 6th Nov.

Remember that next Tuesday there'll be no lessons, as we'll be at MiradasDoc Festival. I've emailed you your homework & some info on the test you'll have once we're back on Tuesday, 6th November. Study loads!!! X

Tuesday 23 October 2012


Write a job application following the structure of that on p.16 & the expressions on p.17.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Tuesday 16 October 2012


Ex. 3 p.13 & Writing skills: formal letter conventions p.16
Hola compañeros.
Escribo en el blog para compartir con todos la información de que hoy martes, el miércoles y el jueves hay huelga de estudiantes. Algunas de las razones son: los interminables reajustes que está teniendo nuestro sistema educativo, disminución de dotación económica, aumento de horario lectivo del profesorado, aumento de la ratio de alumnos, con el consiguiente deterioro de la calidad de enseñanza.

Un saludo a todos.

Thursday 11 October 2012


p. 12 Extend your vocabulary - prefixes & p.16 Reading ex. 1, 2 & 3

Monday 8 October 2012

Language Assistant

Next Thursday, 11th October, a Language Assistant, Gemma, is coming 7pm-8pm. She's going to answer all your questions re English identity, e.g. celebrations, culture, etc. So please be ready to ask her some questions. Think of everything you always wanted to know about the English (but were afraid to ask ;) and prepare some questions for her!

MiradasDoc Volunteers




Hello, my dear C1 students!

As you probably know, last year some students from different A2 groups at the school volunteered to work as interpreters at the Market Section of The International Documentary Film Festival of Guía de Isora, MiradasDoc.

This year they're asking for volunteers again, the dates being 30th & 31st October, 10am-2pm & 4pm-7pm. I'll give you more details at school tomorrow, but here goes  the link so you can learn a bit more.

If you are interested, email me with your name, id and phone number. Please do not forget to tell me day / time you would like to attend.


Aurora X

Tuesday 2 October 2012


Choose an opening line form the 4 options from the Arabian Nights in the WRITING exercise on page 11. In groups of 4-5 take turns to write sentences to develop the stories. Of course, you don not need to tell the actual story, you can create your own!!! Look at the box from ex. 6 and and the adjectives in ex. 3 and include some of this new vocabulary.